About and Press FAQ

About Advanced Wellness Systems

We are a small company with big ideas and one mission: Spread real health.

Real health is now a business imperative. People need it for personal and professional success, and companies need it to maintain a competitive edge.

We believe that real health is something you produce, not consume. Our goal is to make it easy.

We support leaders who want the competitive edge that real health brings to their companies. We help their teams master the seven essential skills required for real health in today’s demanding business environment.


Office Locations

Advanced Wellness Systems, LLC
5561 McNeely Drive, Suite 301
Raleigh, NC 27612

Springboard Practice Center
5561 McNeely Drive, Suite 203
Raleigh, NC 27612

Company Type
Privately held

Company Size
15, including leadership, experts, and contributors

Real Health and Well-Being, High Health Mindsets, Employee Wellness, Health Promotion, Mastery, High Health Leadership and Teams, and Human Potential

About Our Experts

Our 500-plus high health practices are backed by decades of research—the lifetime’s work of experts in physical health, mental and emotional well-being, workplace wellness, and behavioral science.


About the High Health Network

The High Health Network is a practice community for mastery of the seven essential skills required for real health. It’s designed to help individuals level up in health for personal and professional success and to help companies spread real health for a competitive edge. 

New science reveals that everything—from the global economy to the tiniest cell—is made of networks. Networks are not random. They follow predictable mathematical formulas and share certain fundamental properties, like the ability to spread ideas and behaviors quickly.

Companies are made of networks. At least one includes people who already value and cultivate their health. When you find this informal network that already exists and give it effective tools, attractive ideas, and a practice community, it will grow. That’s what networks do.

This represents a fundamental shift in thinking and approach; it’s not business as usual.

The High Health Network helps businesses find their informal well-being networks that already exist and provides advanced, effective tools to help them grow.

Network members focus on:

  • Real health, not interventions

  • Magnetic, attractive ideas, not information transfer or a communications plan

  • Spread, not recruitment

  • Boosting what works, not chasing what’s broken

  • Producing real health, not consuming treatment

The High Health Network is a division of Advanced Wellness Systems.

About Springboard

Real health requires practice.

Springboard is a science-based, online platform for practicing and mastering the seven essential skills needed for real health.

Springboard’s 500+ high health practices are backed by decades of research and delivered by expert guides in physical health, mental and emotional well-being, workplace wellness, and behavioral science. Real-time feedback and measurement tools help people gauge their progress, mastery of essential skills, and health and energy levels. Streaks support regular practice.

We deliver Springboard through the High Health Network.

About the Real Health Manifesto

Treating illness is not the same as creating health. Discussions about healthcare, insurance, problems, and pathology don’t address health itself. We need a radical new understanding of what health actually is.

Real health is something you produce, not consume. We feel so strongly about this that we wrote a manifesto to articulate our ideas.

Real Health Manifesto:Watch video series | Download PDF |  Read online

Press FAQ

What do you mean by “real health”?

Real health comes from within and must be cultivated. It can’t be bought or sold. It doesn’t come in a pill or procedure. It’s not just the absence of illness. It’s an active combination of physical health, mental and emotional well-being, and clarity about meaning, purpose, and life direction.

Treating illness is not the same as creating health. Discussions about healthcare, insurance, problems, and pathology don’t address health itself. We need a radical new understanding of what health actually is.

Real health is something you produce, not consume. You produce real health by mastering seven essential skills that are required today.


What are the seven essential skills for real health?

  1. A growth mindset for personal health

  2. Restoration of mental energy and focus

  3. Clarity about meaning, purpose, and life direction

  4. Mental and emotional well-being

  5. Balance and agility

  6. The ability to obtain nutrient-rich foods anywhere, anytime

  7. Adaptable capacity for high-demand periods

All seven skills are required to combat low energy, distraction, common illnesses, and depletion. They’re not hard to learn—with effective methods, time, and practice.


What is a high health mindset?

Real health begins in the mind.

Research shows that people tend to hold one of two mindsets—one where they believe that their abilities are fixed and another where they believe their abilities can be developed. Fixed mindsets limit people. Growth mindsets fuel learning, progress, and success.

Growth mindsets can apply to health. We are in charge of our own health, and we can help it grow by working with it, just like building a muscle.

A high health mindset is one that recognizes we can develop abilities that enhance our own health and well-being. Practicing methods for increasing real health makes this possible.